“What can I do to help the library?” During February's Love your Library Month this was a question the Newton Falls Public Library loves to hear.
• Volunteer. You can join our elite corps of dedicated volunteers! By sharing your time and talent with us, you can make a big difference in the quality of library service in your community. Library volunteers work side by side with staff in many activities. There is an ongoing need at our library for help sorting and shelving library materials, assisting with special projects, demonstrating new technologies to the public, answering phones, shelf-reading (Adopt-a-Shelf), and more. You will be able to acquire new skills and gain recognized work experience, expand your social horizons, serve in your own neighborhood, keep up with the latest books, help, and be appreciated for it. What is expected of you? Respect the public and be responsive to its needs, be willing to learn, and to meet the schedule and length of service that you have negotiated with the library.
Our volunteers range in age from 15 to ? Some do short-term projects, and some stay for many years! We welcome your gift of time, whatever it may be.
• Donate monetary gifts for the purchase materials. These items may be placed in memory of a loved one, or in honor of a person or special occasion.
• Donate gently used books and media. Some items will be placed in our collection for others to enjoy; the rest will be passed along to our Friends for their book sales.
• Join our Friends of the Library. Membership does not require attendance at meetings, only a willingness to assist once or twice a year during a special event or a book sale, or bake cookies for a program. Over the years our Friends have financially supported all of the free programs offered by the library, as well as donated additional money for purchase of materials and our building fund. Application for membership is available at the library.
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